Deadline: 11:59 p.m. EST, 14 February 2025
The AMS is calling for volunteers to serve as proposal reviewers for the 2025 AMS-SMT Joint Annual Meeting. Proposal reviewers help ensure an engaging and stimulating conference program by lending their expertise and experience to the assessment of proposed conference papers.
Eligibility: Current members of the AMS who are not submitting a proposal for the 2025 Joint Annual Meeting and who fall into one of the following eligible categories may serve as reviewers:
- Eligible: Members who have a PhD in musicology or a related field.
- Eligible: Members who are not enrolled as students in a graduate program, and who are working as creative, archival, research, or program professionals at cultural or education institutions that focus on musicology or related fields.
- Not eligible: Members who are currently enrolled as students in a graduate or undergraduate degree program are not eligible to serve as reviewers.
If you have questions regarding your eligibility to serve as a reviewer, please contact the AMS Office.
Sign-up Deadline: The sign-up form closes on 14 February 2025. Volunteers will be accepted until all reviewer slots are filled. In general, volunteer reviewers will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. In certain cases, we may accept later-arriving volunteers that fill an area of expertise that is underrepresented in the reviewer pool.
Timeline: Reviews of assigned proposals must be completed between 28 February and 14 March 2025.